SERION antigens
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV, Human Herpesvirus 5, HHV-5) belongs to the family of Herpesviridae. HCMV finds its way into the body by means of mucous membrane contact or parenterally (via blood components containing cells or via stem cell/organ transplants), and can lead to a general infection with involvement of the organism such as encephalitis, retinitis, hepatitis, nephritis, splenomegaly, and colitis. Transmission of the virus to the foetus/child can be transplacental or via cervical or vaginal secretions and breast milk (peri- and postnatal infection). Also sexual transmission via cervical secretions or semen, or via the saliva is possible. Like other herpes viruses, primary HCMV infection enters latency. Sites discussed as latency reservoirs in the blood and bone marrow are CD34+ haematopoietic progenitor cells, CD33+ haematopoietic progenitor cells, monocytes, dendritic cells, neutrophil granulocytes and macrophages. In immunocompetent individuals, most HCMV infections take an asymptomatic course or display minor symptoms not very characteristic for the disease. CMV infection during pregnancy can cause severe subsequent damages for the unborn child including micro encephalitis, thus CMV belongs to the ToRCH screening panel.
For the early diagnosis of a primary or recurrent CMV infection different structural polypeptides have been identified. These peptides are critical for specificity and sensitivity of an immunoassay and include phosphoproteins (pp) such as pp28, pp38, pp52, pp65, pp130, pp150, immediate early (IE) 1 and glycoprotein B (gB). To meet the requirements of optimal assay performance, SERION Immunologics now offers a complete range of native and recombinant CMV antigens.
The native antigen (BA109VS) is produced by cultivation of CMV strain Towne in HEL-299 cells. The extracted CMV antigen is purified by ultra-centrifugation and consists of purified virus particles and further virus components. The antigen is suitable for the detection of IgG and IgM antibodies against CMV.
All recombinant CMV proteins are expressed in E. coli and highly purified by His- (BA109R01/03/04/06/07) or GST-tag (BA109R02/05) affinity chromatography.
Please let us know if you are interested in 0.25 mg test samples.